Monday, September 22, 2014

The Art of Becoming Myself

Tia Poissant Photography: The Art of Becoming Myself

Part of the reading that really stood out to me this week was The Person of the Counselor. I found the section covering attitudes about the calling resonating with me. The authors noted that Christian Counseling is not just a job, but it is a divine calling.  I love telling people my story about how I knew I wanted to be a Christian Counselor and how I knew it was the Lord and not me who placed the thought into my mind and developed it from there.  I clearly remember I was driving around with my family and I saw a billboard for a Psychologist, and the thought crossed my mind, “hmm wonder what being a counselor or a psychologist would be like?”  At the time I was a junior in high school and I prayed regularly that the Lord would reveal to me what He desired me to do with my life. In that moment I can look back and see he was orchestrating the entire thing in my heart and mind.  I do not know of anyone who is a counselor nor anyone who even studied psychology.  I have never doubted that this is my calling and I love how the book made it so clear that it must be more than a job.  Throughout this chapter the authors also discussed how our attitudes as counselors affect the counseling session. Not only our attitudes about our calling, but also our attitudes about the Lord, ourselves, and our clients and their presenting problem.  I am learning that to be the best counselor I can be, I am going to have to be the best me I can be, and with the Lord’s help I hope to continually be working on that throughout my life. 


  1. Kendria,

    I really enjoyed reading your post because I feel that I can relate to so much that you have said. I know that it was God who worked in my life and called me to be a counselor. I cannot imagine every being able to get this far and be where I am without God’s help and direction. I, like you, have never really met a counselor or a psychologist before I started this program. I think that is really what God use to push me towards this. I realized that there really aren’t many Hispanic Christian counselors and I really wanted to work for the Lord in an area needed. I pray the Lord continues to help you through this program.

  2. Kendria,

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. I've had a similar journey in that I am now able to look back on all that has happened to bring me to this place and see so clearly the providential hand of the Lord working everything together. The opportunity that a counselor has to speak into those dealing with such brokenness is an incredible ministry and requires a specific type of person. A lesson I have been learning lately is what it means to be abide in Christ so fully that every interaction is an extension of His love which is similar to what you shared about the need to continually be learning about who we are as followers of Christ and as counselors. Thanks again for sharing your post!

  3. Kendria,

    I love this post. Personal moment: as your friend, I'm so glad to see you growing in confidence in not just who you are, but who the Lord says you are. As someone in similar shoes, this is seriously a journey of becoming. In other professions, your work is heavily separated, or at least can be, form who you are. However, in this field, we are constantly re-evaluating and growing ourselves, and checking our attitudes in everything.
