Caption: Flying above the clouds, the Sun still shines.
Photographer: Myself
As aspiring counselors, we will see many clients in the future who are broken and hurt and are looking to someone to help them cope with life’s situations that are inevitable. Many of life’s circumstances are beyond human control, yet there are some problems that could be avoided if wise choices are made. Either way, the clients that we will come into contact with are searching for comfort and someone who will listen and guide them on the counseling journey. Often, when there are “clouds” in life (situations that bring a person down physically, emotionally, and spiritually), both we and our clients need to remember that the Sun still remains even if we may not see it. I am reminded of this truth when I fly. On a cloudy day, the Sun appears to have vanished humanly speaking, yet the truth remains that it is always there.
Reading through our text, the chapters spoke great truth into how we as counselors should approach the counseling process. In chapter 1 of the text, it spoke to the idea of worldview and how important it is to explore one’s own beliefs and realize how the counselor’s beliefs will affect the counseling process especially when the client’s beliefs do not match up with the counselor’s (Thomas and Sosin, 2011). The text speaks to the fact that a counselor’s worldview is at the core of the therapeutic relationship (Thomas & Sosin, 2011, p. 7-9). Therefore, one must explore this concept in order to counsel effectively. Through the rest of the reading (chapters two and three), not only is the concept of counseling explored and the explanation of the process, but also practical advice that pertains to issues that come up and the counseling process to make sure that the therapeutic relationship is beneficial to both client and counselor alike (Thomas & Sosin, 2011).
Thomans, J. C., & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic expedition: Equipping the Christian counselor for the journey. Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group.
Glenn, your analogy of the sun being always behind the clouds reminds me of one of the most important tasks that a counselor has, namely the task of instilling hope. It is the case that often the hope that the counselor has will inspire the client to hope for personal change as well. Therefore in the journey of becoming, we become willing to explore our worldviews and become in "instillers" of hope.