Saturday, October 11, 2014

Wisdom to Facilitate Progress

Wisdom in the Counseling Session
Caption: Knowledge can by acquired through learning, but wisdom is discerning what is learned.  
Pile of hardback books on a wooden floor. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 11 Oct 2014
Proverbs 4:6: Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you (NIV)
It’s amazing how children progress through life, by learning the basics and growing into adults who have amassed wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to go through life. At the beginning of the semester, I felt like a small child who knew very little about how to counsel others, but by this time in the semester, I realized that I am growing and learning various techniques to incorporate into my sessions. From the beginning, I was worried about a session lasting only ten minutes, but now, after learning the various stages of counseling and also techniques I can incorporate, I feel as if an hour is not enough time. The counseling hour is crucial and just as I have progressed into a budding young counselor, I need to use this time wisely to help my counselee progress with whatever issue is at hand.

Since my time is limited with the counselee, and insurance factors often dictate how many sessions I have with a client, it is imperative that I as a counselor have wisdom and discernment. These two qualities will help to ensure that I usually the proper techniques and SMART goals given for the specific case. That way the helping sessions that I have with the counselee will be effective and help them to progress with whatever problem they are facing. This is why it is crucial, that I rely on my guidance from the Lord to lead me in the right direction of where I should take my counselee.


  1. Sophia,
    Thank you for your post. Reading this prompted a good time of reflection for me. I focused this week on how to chose words wisely. I think you added a good point to make the words effective as well. The time spent during the sessions are for the client's growth. I can relate to growing more comfortable with increasing the amount of time we have been given for the weekly triads we have assigned for class. I think you made a crucial observation to inspire me to work on the effectiveness of the time provided.

  2. Sophia,
    I definitely agree with you with the timing situation. I also at first believed that ten minute session were extremely too much. Now that the various techniques have been introduce and we no try to implement them in our sessions, forty five minute to an hour is not too much. This is great and let us knows that we have progressed in our profession. Wisdom and discernment are for sure two key qualities for counselors. They both will help us out to reach outstanding outcomes with our clients. Great post!
