Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mind at Peace

Peaceful Mind

Retrieved from: http://adatojacob.tripod.com/oil/peace-of-mind.gif

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:7 NASB


I felt that the reading targeted a lot of the tough issues that we may face during counseling such as termination and the process of the actual counseling sessions. Being very new to the field with the limited newly acquired skills at times it makes me feel inadequate to be able to accomplish successful counseling with a counselee.  I thought that the book helped lay out the overall process to help me understand the bigger picture of things. Part of the process is to bring forth the weak points in a person so it can be brought to the counselee attention. When I think about confrontation I automatically associate it to something negative but the book reveals that this can be a useful tool when used correctly with clients, it promotes growth. Another aspect that I found interesting were all the different types of termination; I guess I had never really thought about how many different ways there are to come to an end of a counseling relationship.The book showed how to deal with most of the terminations in a very similar manner, through communicating to the counselee that it was coming to an end and if were a decision on the counselee to have just one last session to talk through it. Walking the counselee and even ourselves through all the sessions just to show how much they have benefited from the sessions, shown through their behavior and reactions to everyday situations or maybe even new perspectives on things. Being able to give a counselee closer is also very beneficially to the counselor as well it goes to show that they helped them through a tough time and most importantly that both were reliant on God or God’s will. It seems to be a comfort in knowing that even though our sessions are coming to an end that God will never leave them and will always be on their side.



Thomas, J. C. & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic expedition: Equipping the Christian counselor for the journey. Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group



  1. Mackenzie,
    I too feel inadequate when learning all of these different skills to learn. I know that in the end, we will know much more and through practicum and internship we will gain much knowledge, but at this point it can feel overwhelming. Termination was also an interesting subject to me as well. It seems really early in our class to be talking about it, but at the same time we need to be preparing to end our sessions at the end of the semester. It is also very important to understand that the client can initiate the termination even when we as the counselor do not feel like they are ready, which the book covered (Thomas & Sosin, 2011, p. 237). That will be hard to handle at first, but in the end, terminating early by the counselee standpoint will happen often. These two topics you mentioned really stuck out to me. Thank you for sharing.

    Thomas, J. C., & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic expedition: Equipping the Christian counselor for the journey. Nashville, TN: B & H Publishing Group.

  2. Mackenzie,
    I've also found the Thomas & Sosin (2011) text to be really beneficial in my understanding of the various skills that we are learning to implement into our practice as counselors. At first the idea of using all of these skills at the same time felt overwhelming and somewhat impossible, but the more I understand about the skills and the reasoning behind them as well as reading examples of how they are implemented, the more doable it feels (with much practice). Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey!
