Sunday, October 19, 2014

Better To Be Slapped with The Truth Than Kissed With a Lie

                                                          Russian Proverb. Google
In chapter 7 of Therapeutic Expedition, there was a large discussion on appropriate feedback in the counseling session.  Feedback can be positive or negative, and even when it is coming from a pure heart it can be interpreted as negative.  People are generally resistant to feedback, even if it is positive it can create anxiety in the receiver.  It is important that we be cautious and gracious and loving in the feedback we give out. I have found in personal experience that when I am emotionally connected to the discussion, I have a very difficult time receiving any negative feedback and I am quick to explain myself.  I have tried to be more cautious about my own responses and to maintain a teachable spirit, but that is still something I am continually working on.  Also when I am giving feedback, if I am not consciously being careful of my words then I can do some major damage to people I love, especially when emotions rise.  It is important for me that I do not allow my own personal agenda to get in the way in a counseling session. It is not my job to make the client receive my feedback. It is my job to appropriately deliver it and help them work through it. Even though feedback can be hurtful even when done correctly, it is better to have feedback from a friend whose heart is for you, than to just believe lies of people who never care if you change for the better.  

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