Monday, October 13, 2014

journey : Hot air balloon over sea of mist

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Chapters seven, eight and nine of Thomas and Sosin (2011) , further explored the therapeutic relationship between a counselor and client. I found the section that spanned Pages 290-298 extremely helpful. Throughout the section Thomas and Sosin gave examples of questions the counselor could use to aid the client in establishing, setting and evaluating goals for themselves. Posing questions without leading the client, in a direction other than their choosing is a struggle for me. Therefore keeping these suggestions in mind while working with client and in practice sessions will be extremely beneficial.

            Chapter 9 of Thomas and Sosin (2011) gave an in-depth look at the five main stages of the therapeutic process. Though in class and in practice sessions each is introduced and practiced. I found it helpful to see each of them laid out in writing. Figure 9.1:p.268 was especially helpful. It allowed me to see overlaps throughout the therapeutic process. (I found it more helpful to make my own diagram and used figure 9.1 as a starting point). Though the therapeutic process isn’t hard to remember. I feel that it is important for counselors to know and understand the process just as well if not slightly better than they understand all counseling techniques. Without extensive knowledge of the counseling process it will be harder for counselors to effectively move through them during sessions. it will also make it extremely hard for the counselor and the client to see progress throughout counseling relationship and assess when termination or a referral is needed.



Thomas, John & Sosin, Lisa. (2011).  Therapeutic Expedition. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group.

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