Monday, November 3, 2014

Transformation Over Time

Transformation Over Time


Left Caption: Me (20) playing video games in my parents' basement. Photographer: Josh Wittman
Center Caption: Me (21) fooling around on a playground train. Photographer: Taylor Luckenbill
Right Caption: Me (22) reading a Psychology book with only one semester until graduation. Photographer: Tyler Eshelman

            A question from the Thomas and Sosin (2010) book that stands out to me is “Do I need to change, and do I want to get well?”  This is a question that I have had to answer in my journey of becoming.  I have had to ask it several times in the past, both in my walk with the Lord and my journey as a college student.  In my spiritual walk, I was resistant to change despite my desire to be rid of the tight bonds of my sin life, and I resisted the need to change to succeed at my academic life.  In both, I wanted to pursue pleasure that was unfulfilling, whether giving into sinful desires that went against scripture or gaming activities that detracted from my academic studies.  In the face of the question, my answer to the first part was, of course, “YES!”  My walk with God was almost nonexistent in the midst of my sinful lifestyle, and my grades were suffering because I did not want to give up excessive us of the toys of my childhood (aka video games).  However, it took longer for me to say “yes” to the second part of the question.  While I would say “yes” on the surface, I said “no” through my actions because I did not want to give up the comfort of the familiar.  As illustrated by the pictures, I did say yes to academically beneficial change, and I also finally gave my life to Christ in practice, not just in theory.  In the same way, I need to step out of the familiar to become an effective counselor and need to show my clients patience as they too may have a long process of change like I did.

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