Sunday, November 30, 2014


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Chapter 13 through 15 gives us more insight on the different techniques we have been practicing throughout the entire semester.  one of the main techniques mentioned in chapter 13 that I’m really fond of is the miracle question. Not only did I try to use this technique every chance I get during our practice and recording session but I also used it at work with my clients. I was able to learn and understand how bad some of my clients wanted to change based on the answers they provided.

Thomas and Sosin (2011) mentioned that some counselors will see counselees if they do not do their homework. I was surprised to learn that any counselor will even take that approach.  In 510 class, I learned about the different theories and I have come into conclusion that reality theory is something that I will be using. And with reality therapy, the counselor assigns homework with the hope that the client completes the assignment. From my understanding, reality therapist is not to get discouraged or punish the client if the counselee does not complete the homework assignment.

In chapter 14, it was mentioned that bringing spiritual element into counseling is more complex. I totally agree with the writers because I have thought about it several times how I can integrate spirituality without imposing it on the counselee. It comes naturally when I am having conservation or giving advice to friends but in a professional setting I do not know how I can make it happen.

I began to wonder the title of this blog was going to be after writing it, then I came to me that “ you started with Him and you are finishing with him”  Hebrews 12:2 tells us that we should look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the same, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Amen!

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