Sunday, November 30, 2014

Always Growing

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 As expected, for a book in which the authors did a step by step manual for beginners on their journey, it is no surprise that they would end the book with a huge word of encouragement.  In the section "Developing as a Counselor" (p. 474), the authors emphasize the importance of counselor development.  

               If we truly think about it, our first baby steps into the profession began as young children. From the time we are born, we are developing and growing personally, not only learning about ourselves, but others around us. Through childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and even middle adulthood, we are constantly refining our people skills (least as future counselors, we should be) in order to help those in need.

               The book goes into the valuable lesson of experience (p. 475) and how experience is a great teacher for counselors. The more we engage in counseling, the more we get to grow as an individual, refining our character and sharpening the counseling tools that we currently possess. Right now, we are wielding beginner tools; and as our journey progresses, we will soon be wielding intermediate and then eventually, master counseling tools as we grow and endure in our profession. I do not know about you, my fellow counselors, but personally, I am excited to see where this journey takes me. Above all, there is one great lesson that will take anyone to  greater heights than they can imagine. This lesson has been stated several times by the authors of our book in many different ways, and the lesson is this: Trust God, place your hope in God, for He is able to take you way beyond anything you can possibly imagine. Want to be the best counselor you can be? Easy, place all your ways in God's hands, and He will guide you to be the best you can hope to be. Proverbs 3:6

Thomas, J.C. & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic expedition: Equipping the Christian counselor for the journey.  Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group

1 comment:

  1. Keith,

    I am very blessed by your encouraging words. You presented a perspective that I never thought of before. You mentioned that our journey as counselors did not simply start when we entered into this program, rather our journey began the day we were born. When I think about it, I believe that to be true. I have experienced a great deal of hardship and trials for how young I am. The Lord has used those heart wrenching experiences to mold me into His wants me to be... and that is a continual work in progress! I am currently going through a refining period and it is so challenging. Some days I wish I could just take a break from being stretched and remolded. It is such a wearing process at times, but God gives just enough to sustain us. I know that although I am currently in a valley, it is not forever. However without the valleys of life, we would remain stagnant. This is all a part of God preparation for us a counselors.
