Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Ending
The Ending
As we begin to end our class time, it is hard to believe this semester is over. We have learned techniques that will help to take us to our potential career as counselors.  As we learned and practiced the termination technique last week, we are now terminating our time in the classroom. As we prepared our clients for their future, whether it is a new client, of a new lifestyle, we also need to prepare ourselves for the next semester. It is time to register for future classes, to decide if your program is the one for you or do you need to change. My advice to anyone that is struggling with this decision is to pray. Colossians 4:2, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it, and thanksgiving” (Holy Bible). We must look toward the future and be happy that we have one.
I was looking through our text by Scott Meier and Susan Davis, I came across a section titled Counselor, Know Thyself, I think this is a chapter we all need to look at, again. Are you ready to be a counselor? This chapter tells us to become aware of and address personal issues. This is what we need to be doing now as emerging counselors, in techniques and theories we need to address any issues that we might have. Consider your heart and ask yourself if this is you. If you cannot answer Yes right away, then you may need to step back and take another look at your future. This is just one of the topics in this chapter that we all need to consider.

Davis, S. R.  & Meier, S.T. (2011). The Elements of Counseling. Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie,

    Thank you for your post! This is a hard truth that we must face as counseling students in our first year of our program. This is a very timely challenge to stop and reflect on our own personal progress we have made this semester. We do need to be self-aware of our issues that we struggle with to constantly check ourselves and our preparation for our calling. Thank you for this reminder and for the challenge to ensure that we are well-fit for this field. Hope you enjoy your summer!

