Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bonnie Tucker    Circle of security/2

Presentation by Dr. Bob Marvin

I loved this presentation. Dr. Marvin’s explanation on the Circle of Security was so easy to follow. I can hardly wait until they return with more ways to learn this information. His presentation was so easy to understand, as an upcoming counselor my first thoughts would have been what is wrong with this child. Dr. Marvin explained how it was not the child but the relationship between child and Mom or caregiver.
I am not sure right now that I would have picked up on the cues that the child was sending out, if it had not been shown to me. The idea of the Circle of Security is amazing.  Growing up in a home with a loving family, I do not believe I was ever in a position where I felt unloved or not wanted, I was blessed. Maybe, that is why I did not see some of the cues.  Then we have the Circle of Limited Security, this is where the biggest response is on the parent, the parent must be alert to the pattern the child is carrying out.  If the parent is not a loving attentive parent he/she might miss the cues and then the child feels rejected, unloved, anxious, and avoiding. Then the pattern starts all over again with the same results. These patterns can be corrected using this program.  I really find this fascinating and want to learn more about it as well as the role that trauma plays into the relationship.

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