Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Solution-Focused Therapy

                                         Caption: Woman in counseling

       Solution-Focused Therapy is significantly on the rise within the field of counseling. As Meir and Davis (2011) state "Counselors have increasingly turned there attention to solution-focused therapy." (Meir & Davis, 2011). The authors go on to discuss the importance of this form of therapy will play in the future of our field and what I believe are the very positive benefits of counselors starting to implement this form of therapy more often. As someone who come from a home with a mother who is very active within the field of positive psychology, I can tell you this movement is growing and experiencing excellent results.
       This form of therapy does not have to be restricted to the counseling session. This technique can also be used to expand on not just the mental but the physical as well. As Williams and Strean cite (2005) "Counseling about activity level was meant to supplement traditional therapy by helping patients gain the specific psychological benefits of increasing activity levels." (Williams & Strean, 2005). This information as counselors is crucial to be aware of not just in the sense of awareness of the mental benefits for our counselees upon performing physical activity. But the encouraging our counselees to seek out positive activities to help them find success through solution-focused therapy. It is also important to be aware of our approach to solution-focused as cited by Myung-Sook (2013) "In addition, the counselor attitudes of solution-focused counseling approach is to have a not-knowing stance about clients, to take the attitude of observation with sincere curiosity, to compliment the clients, to become a partner and a coach to practice solution-focused counseling approach in various fields." (Myung-Sook, 2013). This is important as we must realize with this approach we still allow the counselee to lead the direction of the session.


Strean, W. B., & Williams, D. (2005). Little pain, much gain: Solution-focused counseling on physical activity. Canadian Family Physician.

Rho, M. (2013). Study on philosophy and of counselor's attitude of solution focused counseling approach. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society.

Meir, S. T., & Davis, S. R. (2011). The elements of counseling. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.  


  1. Rob,

    I enjoyed reading your post about solution-focused therapy. I also believe that solution-focused therapy is a very applicable therapy for the future of the counseling field. I found it interesting that you pointed out how solution-focused therapy can be applied to the physical component of a person’s health in addition to their mental health. Taking a holistic approach to counseling seems beneficial to me. As a future counselor, I would consider implementing a solution-focused therapy approach. I can see how this type of therapy method could bring about positive outcomes for clients. As with any therapy, I would approach the client in a sensitive and respectful manner.

  2. Rob, I like the post concerning solution-focused therapy as a counseling technique. The therapeutic approach is more than just 3-5 sessions; it is a life long application of whatever is learned in the counseling session. The client remains in a state of mental and physical wellness when he or she continues to implement activities that prevent him or her from regressing back to the state where counseling was needed. By empowering the client to take ownership of their lives, you have not only taught the client, you have made a teacher out of the client; thus, the clients have learned to pick themselves up when they realize they are falling.
