Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blog Post 1

            I will be discussing nonverbal communication, as discussed by Scott Meier and Susan Davis (2011). As Meir and Davis state on nonverbal “People communicate with each other by paying attention to the verbal content of messages and to the most overt nonverbal messages (for example, smiling, frowning and making a fist.” (Meir and Davies, 2011).  They then go on to discuss the vital role understand nonverbal communication can benefit a counselor. Discussing how it can help the counselor decipher what the counselee is feeling throughout the session. This is a vital skill for the counselor as it will allow them to know how to properly counsel the counselee throughout whatever emotions they might be feeling. They even cite counselors trusting nonverbal sometimes over the verbals of some clients, it is information such as this that must make counselors really delve into nonverbal communication study and research.

            As Fatik Baran Mandal (2014) cites some of these examples citing his studying stating “Men make more seating position shifts than woman, make smaller gestures, and move their feet less in the second interview than women. Women show more facial expression than men. Some particular body signals are significant to women while others are only by men.” (Mandal, 2014). It is information like this that lets us be aware of the difference between the genders in terms of nonverbal, studies like this are important as it is important to be aware of the different body language between the genders.

            Another study cited by Brook and Servatka (2016) states “that almost two-thirds of the meaning of a social encounter is derived from nonverbal cues.” (Brook and Servatka, 2016). This study goes on to detail how crucial nonverbals in communication and as counselors we must strive to be master of this art. It is studies like this that will help us refine our skills through knowledge and reaffirm our commitment.

Caption: Male Therapist with Unconcerned Girl Patient
URL: .


Mandal, F.B. (2014). Nonverbal communications in humans. Journal of human behavior in the social environment.

Brook, R. Serbatka, M. (2016) The anticipatory effect of nonverbal communication. Economics letters.

Male Therapist with Unconcerned Girl Patient. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica Image Quest. 14 Feb 2017. 

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