Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Walking on the Journey

Caption: The Journey

Our recent class times, class discussions, and readings have covered the topics of goal setting with clients. Goal setting and homework should be collaborative. Counseling is a special type of relationship where the two individuals should be working towards something together.

C. S. Lewis has an apt quote about this type of collaboration, saying True friends don’t spend time gazing into each other’s eyes. They may show great tenderness towards each other but they face in the same direction - toward common projects, goals - above all, towards a common Lord. The counseling room where goals are set and homework is created should not be dictatorial, where the expert counselor doles out instruction. It should be a joint endeavor, and it should be shared. The counselor serves as an encourager, a fellow traveler on the journey with the client (Meir, 2011).

These goals should also be SMART. SMART stands for specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, and timely. Creating goals that are attainable is important for the client to succeed. Unrealistic and unattainable goals create an environment that can contribute to the client’s feelings of helplessness. Usually this means that we are to use scaling in collaboration with goals. We use scaling to get an idea of where the client is at with their specific issue, and then we set a goal that might help them get a half point or one point closer to their goal. Usually scaling helps keep it measurable, and keeping the goal at a small achievement keeps the goal realistic (Young, 2017).


Meir, S.T., & Davis, S. R. (2011). Elements of Counseling. 7th edition. Belmont, CA:
Brooks Cole.
Young, M. (2017). Learning the art of helping, 6th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson.     ISBN: 0-13-416578-0


  1. Goals can easily be called a critical aspect of counseling. Without them, it is very unlikely that the client will move forward at all. I especially enjoyed the quote you used by C.S. Lewis. It highlights the importance of action in counseling, remembering that we are on a journey with each of our clients. We cannot expect others to attain or work towards goals that are unrealistic and unattainable, but something must be done if any change is to occur. It is through the use of empathy and understanding that we work along side clients to bring about positive outcomes.

  2. Dear Brenn,
    Thanks for your post about goal setting. Sometimes I wonder how I should approach this with my clients. Instead of putting all the pressure on the client, it is good to realize this is a team effort as we come alongside them. It also takes pressure off of me when I know I am not responsible to fix them. Instead of telling them what to do, I can help them find their own path through guidance. When we work together, we can help them achieve something to find a better quality of life though mental wellness. Also, good use of the quote by C.S. Lewis, he has offered so much wisdom that can be applied to our professional life. I really liked the photo you included because it made we want to spend some time bundled up on a cold, but beautiful farm.
    - Jenna
