Sunday, August 31, 2014

               Christ working through us to others.


 There is much to be thankful for, if when the bottom falls out I could remember the times of Blessing. My therapeutic expedition started many years ago with several loving and careful counselors. God did put people in my path that helped me tremendously to understand that God’s will is so much better than anything I could do on my own. It seems that my path to become emotionally healthy is a life long journey. Even Paul struggled with the flesh and doing what was easier instead of doing what was right and good. Yes, I freely admit that the dialogue I have with myself is not always the most positive and in fact sometimes is negative, it's then I must stop and pause a moment with the word and remember “God makes no junk”! Our reading has reminded me that if not careful my issues could become my counselees issue if handled without compassion and understanding. Jesus called me to help those struggling to find freedom and peace and certainly for me not to pass to them my issues, also referred to as countertransference. Counselor’s often give advice that may or may not be in the best interest of the counselee. Our mindset should always be on helping them to come to know Christ, and for the Holy Spirit to help them know the truth. Maybe we do not depend enough on our Savior’s wisdom and power and try to depend on our own power and wisdom. Counselors must do no harm whatever the cost to us personally.

Thomas, J., & Sosin, L. (2011). Therapeutic Expedition. Equipping the Christian Counselor for the Journey. Nashville, Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group.


  1. Just like your picture depicts, we need to humble ourself before the Lord, because we are very similar to our counselees. We are human, we have feelings, and we have doubts and fears, the only difference between our counselees and us, is that our counselor is Jesus Christ. He gave us a gift to help those in need, but He never let our hand go throughout this process. He is with us every step of the way, guiding us in the right direction, so that we may be able to effectively help those who He puts before us. While we go through our trials and tribulations, we must never forget that we have a counselor too, and His name is Jesus.

  2. Sophia your so right, but I think maybe it goes deeper than that, if it is possible. Many Christians walking close with the Lord still suffer deeply, not knowing why or what to do about it. I pray that when I council someone that every though and word will be filtered through the Holy Spirit. Thank You for your response it is always good to hear how others feel.
